2015 Board Committe & Chairs
- President: Bill Blackford
- Past President: Jose Rojas
- Executive Vice President: Kelly Sile
- Vice President of Membership: Tony Beauford
- Vice President of Newsletter: Pedro Balawag
- Ride Committee: Chair Cindy Kuenzi
- --Assistant: Tom Manning
- --Assistant: Chris Lloyd
- Treasurer: Jeannette Burris
- Secretary: Tori Cabello
- Bicycle Education Cliff Hickel
- --Assistant: open
- BMAC Representative: John Cox
- Map Maker: Kelly Siles
- --Assistant: open
- Merchandise: Jerry Hyndman
- Social Events Coordinator: Lori Martinez
- --Assistant Marlon Borja
- --Assistant: open
- --Assistant: open
- Webmaster: Tony Beauford
- Westside Creek Representative: Abel Gonzales