Position Description: Secretary
The goal of the Secretary is to take the Minutes of the Club meetings and manage the Club archives.
To accomplish this goal the Secretary will:.
1) Secure the monthly Board of Directors (BOD) meeting location on an annual basis
a. Confirm before each monthly meeting
b. Develop an agenda - email Board and Committee Chairs for input
2) Attend monthly Board meetings and take the minutes
a. Develop Minutes for publication on the website
b. Email to President for editing
c. Email to the Website Editor for posting
3) Maintain Archives at the Club storage room (not sure if we have any archives at this time)
4) Check SAW mailbox bi-weekly (Someone else is doing this)
a. Distribute incoming mail
** Checks to Treasurer ** Applications to Membership ** Other to appropriate positions
5) Write the Member of the Month article using input provided by the President or MOM
6) Handle email as required regarding the Club
7) Support Club rides and social events
8) Volunteer as a ride starter
9) Perform other related tasks as determined by the Wheelmen Board
Position Description: Treasurer
/Position Description
The goal of the Treasurer is to manage and maintain the Club’s finances and financial records.
To accomplish this goal the Treasurer will:
1) Manage all Club banking, savings, and money market accounts
a. Utilize QuickBooks to manage Club’s finances
b. Handle all accounts receivables and payables; generating appropriate invoices and reports
c. Generate monthly Balance sheet for Board meetings
d. Generate a Quarterly Balance sheet to be posted on Member’s Only section of the website (forward to Website Editor for posting)
2) Maintain all local, state and federal filings
3) Attend monthly Board meetings
4) Handle email regarding Club financial matters
5) Support Club rides and social events
6) Volunteer as a ride starter
7) Perform other related tasks as determined by the Wheelmen Board.